
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Online Dating Quest

So you're ready to get out there and start dating again but find it difficult to meet someone in the traditional way.  You've been set up on blind dates by friends and co-workers but they never seem to pan out and you find yourself wanting to put things off entirely.  Maybe your expectations are too high or you mainly focus on their flaws but somehow you seem to find something preventing you from proceeding and possibly taking things to the next level.

He/she is either not attractive, too challenging conversationally, doesn't have a job that interests you, has too much past baggage or the chemistry simply isn't there.  If it's the latter you basically know from the onset that it could never be an exciting or passionate relationship but you may still wanna try things out and see where they lead.

After failing with traditional methods you turn to online dating and see where that leads.  You chat with your potential suitors, get to know them and maybe even exchange numbers.  You begin communicating, texts are sent and once comfortable enough you set up that first meet.  Of course one knows that anyone can hide behind a computer the freaks are everywhere and so are the jerks.  If you pay attention you cans spot this early on and not have to worry about seeing the person again.  

Unfortunately, there are many out there who just want the casual experience.  They don't want commitment and they just simply are out on the prowl of their next conquest.  You also have the loons who either swear they are God's gift to women, wanna be Dom's or simply lack common sense altogether and are basically lost in the stone age.  Yes, dating isn't easy but it can also be very interesting.  For this reason, I will be posting additional material on this subject and share some horror stories and maybe we'll even get lucky with a few amusing ones as well as I continue the online dating quest and gather up material to make this segment a little juicier...  

If you have a story you'd like to share yourself please leave me a comment and email below and we can have your story added as well, who knows this can get really interesting and maybe we can have some  fun with this. 

Copyright (c) 2014 ~ Susan B. Anna


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