
Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Make America Great or Not - Cuomo for Governor

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Governor Cuomo is in hot water over a comment he made that was almost like that of, Donald Trump yet added the following to it. “America was never Great.”  The comment bringing both an uproar and some truth to what we already know. America can be great, and the possibilities are there but sadly it begins with those in power who can make it so if they only kept all citizens regardless of race and status in mind.

Your ignorance to the damage you yourself caused since becoming Governor is evident to every citizen, resident and business owner in Upstate New York. You blatantly take campaign funds to assist the Hasidic Community in Kyrias Joel, Rockland County and NYC to line your pockets yet forget the fact that every single one of them and their families are milking the Government for public assistance, food stamps, rent and Medicaid while also allowing the husbands to claim their multiple children at the end of the year and collect from the Government some more.

The fact that no one in Government from the President to Governor to Mayor has done nothing to end the abuse of public assistance by these individuals is disgusting to say the least. My husband and I work hard to pay taxes, clothe and feed our one child and it baffles me to see these families in Walmart, BJ’s and other surrounding supermarkets with their EBT cards while their husbands who have businesses and real estate all over Orange County earn enough to support their families with ease, but claim to be poor.

 I work for a politically backed Union and they too support Governor Cuomo, but I simply can’t. My reasons are outlined above and very well presented by others who agree below. You cannot be for New York and allow the City and State you claim to support slowly deteriorate. You can’t say you’re for the working class when we are diligently paying our taxes while still trying to keep up with the cost of living and individuals such as these in Orange County and New York City continue to milk our government dry.

You can’t say our homeless epidemic surrounding Port Authority, Penn Station and Madison Square Garden is not a problem, because it simply is. Come visit the ex 1199 offices on w. 42nd Street between 8th & 9th , and also take a look at Penn Station and Madison Square Garden and tell us this isn’t an issue.  How would you like to face walking to work and dodging feces and urine steps away from your office entrance and the Port Authority Terminal? I can continue to outline all things wrong with NYC and NY State but the main thing wrong is our Governor and right alongside him our  Mayor.   

Crime is at an all time high in all boroughs, Brooklyn especially, and our cops, who have had enough are no longer doing enough due to recent scrutiny.  Who could blame them, they are underpaid and have lost a lot of respect from surrounding communities based on the past few years. 

As if we haven't had enough to deal with this past year with Covid-19 we now need to add the sexual harassment allegations that just keep growing in regard to our Governor. We need a change in  leadership and politicians that will do their due diligence to correct the past and enhance the future. It's certainly time.  

All rights reserved~ Susan B, Anna 

REVISED 3/17/2021

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