
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Predator in Transit

One of the reasons why I hate watching the news and I'm sure a lot of you may agree are the horrid stories that range from rape, murder and child molestations to hate, police corruption and brutality and last but certainly not least our last war and the residual backlash and senseless retaliation that continues to  plague our country because our nit wit politicians and security personnel can't get it together.

Every time I watch the news I swear to ban it but then again can't because keeping up with current events is highly important.  We live in a country plagued by evil and nothing can truly change that but nothing can compare to what I saw on the evening news tonight.  This day and age when cell phones are used to video tape crimes but not to actually call the police or assist is frightening.  A few weeks ago we learned of the young girl who was beaten severely in a Brooklyn McDonalds and today they feature a two year old rape case that took the victim to finally have her rapist captured and questioned.

Rape Suspect on NYC D Train
I am not at all surprised of the years taken to conduct an investigation or even find the suspect, but the fact that it took a victim to finally speak up of her ordeal and the actual crime place it happened.  This woman was raped on a public NYC train filled with ten or more people and one across from her recording the whole ordeal on his phone.

The video of course then after went viral making the victim feel violated with each click it took before it was removed and kept as evidence.  With video surveillance and footage also taken as the suspect exited the train station, still no extensive moves were made by law enforcement to find him, which in itself is appalling but tells us just how easily a case can slip through the cracks.  This victim was asleep while this pervert took advantage of her in a moving train as onlookers did nothing to stop him or even help her.  To video tape it and watch later before having it shared online was cowardly, no matter how you look at things.  Yes fear can play a factor and may even cause someone to think twice before acting but everyone on this train should be ashamed of themselves. 

As for the victim I commend her for taking the steps needed to let this come out.  It takes a lot of courage to do what you did and I hope this only makes you stronger.  There will be tough moments but the toughest part is over, you stepped up and possibly helped other women from finding themselves in the same predicament.  I truly hope you know how much of a difference you made and God bless you. Crime Stoppers

Copyright  © 2015~ Susan B. Anna
Always a Writer, Always a Tale  

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