
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Great American Smokeout

This Thursday, November 15, millions of smokers will mark the American Cancer Society's 37th Great American Smokeout by giving up smoking that day or making a plan to quit. If you want to quit smoking once and for all,  we encourage all  who are serious about wanting to kick the tobacco habit to call an 311 or visit A health coach will offer one-on-one support to get you on the road to being smoke free, and the program also provides free nicotine replacement patches or gum. So “Make the Call” today!
Since I work during the day for a major health insurance company, staff was encouraged to make today a quit day and new start to staying smoke free.  If you call and sign up with a health coach affiliated with the organization, and stick to remaining smoke free till March 31st, you will be rewarded with a $100 gift card.  Your health is important so why not go for it, the gift card is also a great added incentive.  

Phone: 1-800-227-2345

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